Facebook, as a platform, has already introduced many new features for its users. The features made the user experience on the platform quite smooth and memorable. Hence, the number of users on the platform is increasing day by day. Now, when you go ahead with the article mentioned below, you can see the methods and other information related to how to see someone’s new friends on Facebook. So, get to know the details now!
How to See Someone’s New Friends on Facebook?
Are you curious about who was added recently to their friend list? If yes, then I have good news for you. Facebook has offered a way that you can achieve that. The ‘Recently Added’ feature is not available in the mobile app of Facebook. It is available in the desktop app of Facebook. So, if you can avail the Facebook from your Desktop, then read the steps mentioned below:
- Open the Facebook app from your preferred browser.
- Log into your Facebook account.
- Go to the Friends option and open all your friends.
- Tap on the Profile Picture of the person you want to spy on.
- Tap on the Friends option.
- In the Friends section, click on Recently Added. Also, read How To See Messages From Non-Friends On Facebook Messenger?
What Does “Recently Added” Mean on Facebook?
Facebook keeps users that have been added in the last three and half weeks after the friend request was accepted in the “recently added” section. Facebook added this feature on the desktop version, which only shows up when someone has a new friend he added in the last three and half weeks. After that, you will not see the list in the “recently added” section. You will not see the “Recently Added” tab in the “Friends” section when someone has not made a new friend. When you view someone’s profile without the tab, then that person has not recently made a new friend. Also, read How to Send a Message on Facebook to Multiple Friends | 8 Steps
Use an Extension to See Someone’s New Friends on Facebook
When you think someone has used the privacy restrictions which prevent you from seeing the people who were recently added as their friends, then you can install a special extension on your browser. The extension is compatible with Chrome and helps to find more information as a user which they are hiding from the public.
- Ensure the browser has the extension installed in it.
- On a Desktop with the browser, open your friend’s profile with the extension installed.
- Navigate to the Friends option and click on it.
- A new tab with friends, with the recently added tab, will open. Also, read How to Turn Off Friends Suggestions on Facebook? [5 Quick and Simple Steps]
Can I Hide the “Recently Added Friends” on Facebook?
Many people worry about privacy and wonder whether it is possible to hide the recently added friends. Facebook has not offered a feature that helps users to protect their information. It makes it hard to stop others from seeing the friends who are recently added. If you no longer want people to see your recent activities, then you may unfriend that person. You can block people whom you do not want to interfere with your data. Also, read Don’t Miss the Most Liked Facebook Posts of All Time!!!
Wrapping Up
The option to see someone’s new friends on Facebook can be easily accessed on the platform. I hope the process mentioned below can be easily applied by the user, and you get to see the person who is added and who is not. I hope the article helped you to get the process that would ultimately get your job done. If you wish to know more hacks about Facebook then read the other articles on our website.